Ahad, Januari 20, 2008


Best giler citer nih! Gi la tengok. Korang takkan menyesal!

AMARAN: Sesiapa yang nak tengok filem ni, hendaklah dengan keadaan perut yang kosong, atau anda akan muntah semasa di pawagam! Hahahaha...

(5 daripada 5)

Rabu, Januari 16, 2008

bantulah ijann...yg memerlukan...

ingin dimaklumkan disini, seorg drp gang members kite iaitu ijann sedang menghadapi permasalahan besar dalam hidup beliau. beliau menghadapi kerungsingan apabila balik kerumah & kadang2 diluar rumah. dan kite sebagai 1 lembaga pertubuhan rahsia jaquezee wajib menolong beliau yg dalam masalah ini.

masalah besar beliau adalah, pembiakan jutaan pepijat/pijat di dalam bilik beliau yg berleluase. ini menyebabkan beliau selalu bersifat kegatalan. walaupun pd peringkat awal ini kegatalan yg dihadapi tidak melampau, namun ia boleh mengundang serius.

kpd sesiapa yg mempunyai cara intensif utk menghalau/menghindar/membunuh pepijat/pijat ini adalah dialu-alukan. dan aku sndr mempunyai petua iaitu:-
= daun durian belanda (buah durian belanda pn boleh agaknye kot kalu dh x de daunnye). & kalu aku ade jmpe aku belikan la dulu...
harap gang member yg lain kalu ade petua sila la aju kan ye...


*sape yg boleh menghalau/menghindar/membunuh pepijat/pijat ini ijann akan hadiahkan (psp) die heheheheh... korg tnye la die sndr...ekekekeke

Sabtu, Januari 12, 2008

nick name on the tshirt!!!

concerning all gang members, i've decide to put a name on everybodys tshirt.
to make it highly top class A, of secret society in the syndicate, please reply your own secret id to me, and i'll print it on the tshirt. and please review on the tshirt on the last post to see the sample printed.
thank you...

Rabu, Januari 09, 2008

click on the picture for large format (updated 12/01/08)



attention 2 all syndicate society of jaquezee!!!

our xtvt to "cemoron he land" is confirm on
14th, 15th & 16th of mac 2008.

and the gang member will participate is:-
- man
- yan
- ijann
- mc ngah
- lan
- shahrul
- sukasih
- shah ( dondeng )
- awek shah ( dondeng )
- ijat
- bart
- ana ( shahrul cousin )

12 person will be joining in this trip.

the price of our temporary living place is rm420 for 2 nights
so rm420 / 12 person equal to rm35 each person (if nothing change the price)

there is four other person that not sure want to join this trip or not, yet if they did wanna join us, they will pay us back the ballance to all 12 of us...if u guys get what i mean...

so what are u guys waiting for... pay the money to shahrul A.S.A.P.
'your payment bill is our concern'


Jumaat, Januari 04, 2008

Cameron Highland

ni tarikh yang betul2 kompom n english cottage dh booking...
so tarikh yg kompom 14,15,16 march 2008...
so all jqz leh la apply cuti pada date tu...

umah tu rm210 1 mlm, so total rm420.kalau bleh nak tau sape yg betul2 join..coz nk collect duit ...so sila kompom kan A.S.A.P...

mari la sama2 menjayakan percutian yg gilang-gemilang...

Khamis, Januari 03, 2008

Syndicate - Definition

syn·di·cate [n. sin-di-kit; v. sin-di-keyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
1. a group of individuals or organizations combined or making a joint effort to undertake some specific duty or carry out specific transactions or negotiations: The local furniture store is individually owned, but is part of a buying syndicate.
2. a combination of bankers or capitalists formed for the purpose of carrying out some project requiring large resources of capital, as the underwriting of an issue of stock or bonds.
3. Journalism.
a. an agency that buys articles, stories, columns, photographs, comic strips, or other features and distributes them for simultaneous publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals in different localities. Compare boiler plate (def. 2).
b. a business organization owning and operating a number of newspapers; newspaper chain.
4. a group, combination, or association of gangsters controlling organized crime or one type of crime, esp. in one region of the country.
5. a council or body of syndics.
6. a local organization of employers or employees in Italy during the Fascist regime.

–verb (used with object)
7. to combine into a syndicate.
8. to publish simultaneously, or supply for simultaneous publication, in a number of newspapers or other periodicals in different places: Her column is syndicated in 120 papers.
9. Television. to sell (a program, series, etc.) directly to independent stations.
10. to sell shares in or offer participation in the financial sharing of (a risk venture, loan, or the like): to syndicate a racehorse among speculators; to syndicate a loan among several banks.

–verb (used without object) 11. to combine to form a syndicate.

[Origin: 1600–10; < MF syndicat office of syndic, board of syndics < ML syndicātus. See syndic, -ate3]

—Related forms
syn·di·cat·a·ble, adjective
syn·di·ca·tion, noun

p/s: Huhu... Dah faham!!!

Rabu, Januari 02, 2008

attention 2 all syndicate society of jaquezee!!!

attention 2 all syndicate society of jaquezee!!!

i would to inform all of the syndicate's the our holidays at cameron highland will be postporn... to other week after the chinese new year...
it is because of full booked on the week we agreed to book.

this is call 4 another meeting 2 confirm what week that suitable 4 all syndicate's n agree...

please inform other syndicate's that didnt notice this post...
